What is NFT?

Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) are a special class of assets on the blockchain characterized by being unique and non-interchangeable with one another for equal value.

An NFT is different from a cryptocurrency in that it is defined by metadata that builds-in a role, function, and value that are unique to it. NFTs are revolutionizing and reinventing many industries, such as collectibles, gaming, music, and many others.

What is NFT?

Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) are a special class of assets on the blockchain characterized by being unique and non-interchangeable with one another for equal value.

An NFT is different from a cryptocurrency in that it is defined by metadata that builds-in a role, function, and value that are unique to it. NFTs are revolutionizing and reinventing many industries, such as collectibles, gaming, music, and many others.

What is NFT?

Non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) are a special class of assets on the blockchain characterized by being unique and non-interchangeable with one another for equal value.

An NFT is different from a cryptocurrency in that it is defined by metadata that builds-in a role, function, and value that are unique to it. NFTs are revolutionizing and reinventing many industries, such as collectibles, gaming, music, and many others.

We are a small group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about the professional market analysis of digital goods. Coming from various backgrounds in professional finance, we saw the explosion of decentralized finances and the inability of big banks to keep up with progress as a sign that we need to create our own private fund.

As of now, our main goal is to track and analyze the tendencies of the NFT market and follow the most important launches. We aim to establish trustful partnerships with each of our clients, so we could work closely together on solving various challenges and increasing the value of art pieces in the competitive investment market.


Our mission is to make NFT investment available for anyone
Each of us has an MBA from a prestigious US or UK college, and we recognize that the volatility of the NFT and crypto-markets provide experts with an opportunity to predict future fluctuations to achieve extreme profits. As a group, we decided to make our resources, our knowledge, and our experience available to the broader public. We aim to increase the overall turnover for our fund and to help you acquire the most liquid assets that you can sell for a greater profit.

Currently, our fund is open to new investors. A perfect candidate would have a general idea about traditional financial markets and would be looking for a secure and transparent partnership to create an investment in their future financial stability. While we’d appreciate them having some understanding of the DeFi markets, the junior partners of our fund would be happy to explain the basics to every new investor!

Become a part of the new world of high-profit digital art!
ALGO fund
Market Making — Providing liquidity on centralized exchanges

Volatility Trading — Algorithmic market neutral volatility trading using options

Dynamic Digital Asset Allocation — Algorithmically managed portfolio of large-capitalization crypto assets
DeFi fund
Market Making — Providing assets to liquidity pools and protocols to earn rewards

Infrastructure and Ecosystems — Investing in blockchain infrastructure that will enable decentralized world

Presales and IDO/ICO/IEO — Private early-stage and public sales investments
NFT fund
Early-stage investment — Early investment into new NFT collections

Event-driven investment — Out attempts to take advantage of temporary NFT mispricing on various platforms

Pre-sale drops — Analysis of the roadmap and potential ROI of future projects

Please, if you have any questions regarding our fund and or the scope of our interest, we highly encourage you to reach out to us!

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